It's my pleasure to announce that I am carrying a baby boy and baby girl...I went today for my 20 week u/s fingers crossed that this would be the result (obviously my pet names have proven that I had a hunch). I cried as I saw first baby A-girl. Four perfect heart chambers. A beautiful left and right brain, perfect spine and then...3 bright white lines between the legs (indicative of a girl). Then the u/s tech moved to the top of my belly, I saw all the same things and stared in utter amazement of what had been occoring within me..Then she said Baby b-boy! I felt a tear roll down my face. Please don't get all worried..I cried because this about sums up this journey for me..Utter perfection. The transfer went perfectly, then there were two precious babies, I avoided the dreaded amnio, no genetic abnormalities were detected and now this A perfect pair-brother and sister. Could there be a more storybook outcome. It is worth it. These two will always know eachothers companionship and will be nurtured and love fiercly by their mom and dad. Well, I really have nothing else to say. I am so happy..on a cloud really today. Perfection is possible...hopeful parents really can say "it is worth it". I am one proud surrogate today and cannot wait to see these two angels come into the world. E &S-Congratulations..You deserve every ounce of happiness you feel today:)
I know, it's so great when things go so well!