I am happy to report that We are officially in contract and the egg donor has been cleared by our physician to proceed...Now she has to undergo a few simple blood tests and we are off. As soon as she is cleared I should receive a box of needles, injectable meds, a sharps box and alcohol swabs...Many of you may have just passed out...take a moment, shake it off:) This is one of the MOST anticipated milestones for many surrogates..No, we are not all Masochists...many of us HATE shots but the arrival of the "med box" and the beginning of meds means the transfer is coming. A baby is getting ready to be made!
I realize I didn't write very often during this part of my first journey simply because there just isn't a whole lot to report. I hope to have more news soon!
So..Anyone out there have any questions about surrogacy? I would love to know what you would like to know about any part of this process. I'll attach a link to my agency..maybe that will help.
Growing Generations